Port Charlotte

Auto Services in Port Charlotte, Florida

Southwest Florida’s Premier Auto Repair Shop

One-Stop Auto Repair Shop

Drivers in southwest Florida that have visited JSN Auto Repair know auto services don’t need to be a hassle or a headache. Our Port Charlotte location provides superior auto services and exceptional customer service that JSN Auto Repair clients have come to know and trust. Bring your vehicle in today, so our ASE-Certified technicians can design a service plan specific to your car, truck, or SUV. Vehicle maintenance, such as an oil change, wheel alignment, or tune-up, help you avoid unexpected car repairs and costs. Our priority is to keep you safe on the road with a strong engine that provides a smooth ride. We do the heavy lifting so you can focus on daily tasks. If you see a flashing check engine light on your dash, hear an odd noise, or find yourself stuck on the side of the road, give us a call. Our mechanics are well versed in emergency repairs, from brake repair to AC repair or transmission repair; your vehicle is in capable hands. Anytime you have a question or concern about your vehicle, we’re here to educate you and offer expert advice on what to do next. Honesty is at the heart of how we do business, so we’ll always give you all the facts. For peace of mind and unsurpassed service, count on us as your one-stop auto repair shop.

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Mon-Fri 7:30am-6pm
Sat-Sun Closed